The general treatment Kaveri receives from her servants, her cook, her family members and neighbours depicts how the society lacks the sensitivity that is so much needed by people like Kaveri. This page was last edited on 29 September , at Kalpana's performance as the traumatized woman was widely acclaimed by critics. One, the male ego and entitlement. After recovery, when she is discharged from the hospital, and returns home, Satish treats her with callousness. The movie gave impetus to Kalpana's career. The film was a big hit and ran for one year in Karnataka in about three theatres. sharapanjara kannada movie song

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Sathish falls in love with Kaveri who is educated, sophisticated, beautiful and hails from a respectable family and they get married with the blessings of their parents. Unable to bear it all, Kaveri goes insane once again.

Retrieved from " https: During the post-partum period, she is haunted by a past incident wherein she had pre-marital sex, loses skng mental balance and admitted to a mental hospital. Views Read Edit View history. The story starts with the chance meeting of the heroine Kaveri Kalpana and the hero Sathish Gangadhar.

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After recovery, when she is discharged from the mlvie, and returns home, Satish treats her with callousness. Kalpana's performance as the traumatized woman was widely acclaimed by critics.

The character Kaveri portrayed by Kalpana is one of the strongest and widely acclaimed characters in Kannada cinema. Archived from the original PDF on 21 July One, the male ego and entitlement. The final blow comes when Kaveri discovers that Satish is having an extra-marital relationship with a female colleague of questionable morals that Satish previously treated with disdain. International Film Festival of India.

The film was later remade in Telugu as Krishnaveni starring Vanisri. Pakkalo Ballem Palamanasulu Iddaru Ammayilu When Kaveri conceives for the second time, the doctor express concern over her health.

The movie gave impetus to Kalpana's career.

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The general treatment Kaveri receives from her servants, her cook, her family members and neighbours depicts how the society lacks the sensitivity that is so much needed by people like Kaveri. They form a picture-perfect couple. Italic or bold markup not allowed in: Cage of Arrows is a Indian Kannada language film directed by Puttanna Kanagalbased on a novel by Triveni of the same name, and starring Kalpana and Gangadhar in lead roles.

The movie move on two social issues. Teacheramma Sudarum Sooravaliyum Irulum Oliyum The film revolves around the issues of kannada woman's chastity, the acceptance of mentally ill by society and unfaithful spouses.

This film is considered one of the best Kannada movies ever made.

Retrieved 8 March Kalpana Gangadhar Leelavathi K. And uses it as an alibi to be unfaithful to her. The film was a big hit and ran for one year in Karnataka in about three theatres. Kaveri's husband spurns her because of her past incident.

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By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. They build their dream house, have a son, buy a car and are generally prosperous. This page was last kannaa on 29 Septemberat Kaveri faces scorn from her family, neighbours and society in general, as well.

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Two, the social acceptability of mentally -ll people.


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